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Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 692, Issue 1,
Pages 1-244 (25 April 1997)

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Investigation of the triacylglycerol composition of iceman's mummified tissue by high-temperature gas chromatography, Pages 1-6
Bernhard X. Mayer, Christian Reiter and Thomas L. Bereuter
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (342 K)

Quantification of corticosteroids in human plasma by liquid chromatography¯thermospray mass spectrometry using stable isotope dilution, Pages 7-14
Hiromi Shibasaki, Takashi Furuta and Yasuji Kasuya
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (457 K)

Metabolism of selenite labelled with enriched stable isotope in the bloodstream, Pages 15-22
K. T. Suzuki and M. Itoh
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (479 K)

Quantification of 1,5-anhydro--glucitol in urine by automated borate complex anion-exchange chromatography with an immobilized enzyme reactor, Pages 23-30
Toshio Tanabe, Shigeru Tajima, Takayuki Suzuki, Eiko Okawa, Reiko Machida, Sumio Ichimura and Masahiko Yabuuchi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (430 K)

3,4-Dimethoxybenzylamine as a sensitive pre-column fluorescence derivatization reagent for the determination of serotonin in human platelet-poor plasma, Pages 31-36
Junichi Ishida, Maki Takada and Masatoshi Yamaguchi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (297 K)

Simultaneous determination of glycyl¯-histidyl¯-lysine and its metabolite, -histidyl¯-lysine, in rat plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization, Pages 37-42
Takuro Endo, Masaharu Miyagi and Arao Ujiie
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (270 K)

Determination of antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides and catabolites in biological fluids and tissue extracts using anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary gel electrophoresis, Pages 43-51
Shu-Hui Chen, Mingxin Qian, James M. Brennan and James M. Gallo
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (504 K)

Determination of total iodine in biological material by alkaline ashing and column-switching ion-pair liquid chromatography, Pages 53-59
Sören Andersson and Ulf Forsman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (324 K)

Rapid liquid¯liquid extraction of cocaine from urine for gas chromatographic¯mass spectrometric analysis, Pages 61-65
Diana Garside, Bruce A. Goldberger, Kenzie L. Preston and Edward J. Cone
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (260 K)

Gas chromatographic¯mass spectrometric quantitation of urinary buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine after derivatization by direct extractive alkylation, Pages 67-77
A. M. Lisi, R. Kazlauskas and G. J. Trout
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (522 K)

Fast specific separation and sensitive quantification of bactericidal and sporicidal aldehydes by high-performance liquid chromatography: example of glutaraldehyde determination, Pages 79-86
M. -C. Menet, D. Gueylard, M. -H. Fievet and A. Thuillier
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (391 K)

Rapid method to determine sphinganine/sphingosine in human and animal urine as a biomarker for fumonisin exposure, Pages 87-93
M. Solfrizzo, G. Avantaggiato and A. Visconti
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (392 K)

Simultaneous determination of midazolam and its metabolites 1-hydroxymidazolam and 4-hydroxymidazolam in human serum using gas chromatography¯mass spectrometry, Pages 95-100
Jens Martens and Peter Banditt
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (256 K)

High-performance liquid chromatography¯ionspray mass spectrometry for the specific determination of digoxin and some related cardiac glycosides in human plasma, Pages 101-109
A. Tracqui, P. Kintz, B. Ludes and P. Mangin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (481 K)

Shift of the high-performance liquid chromatographic retention times of metabolites in relation to the original drug on an RP8 column with acidic mobile phase, Pages 111-126
S. Herre and F. Pragst
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (808 K)

Determination of imipenem in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography for pharmacokinetic studies in patients, Pages 127-132
L. Garcia-Capdevila, C. López-Calull, C. Arroyo, M. A. Moral, M. A. Mangues and J. Bonal
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (260 K)

Stereoselective high-performance liquid chromatography determination of propranolol and 4-hydroxypropranolol in human plasma after pre-column derivatization, Pages 133-140
Steven T. Wu, Yu Ping Chang, Winnie L. Gee, Leslie Z. Benet and Emil T. Lin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (404 K)

High-performance liquid chromatography determination of praziquantel enantiomers in human serum using a reversed-phase cellulose-based chiral stationary phase and disc solid-phase extraction, Pages 141-147
Jingli Liu and James T. Stewart
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (372 K)

Determination of amiprilose in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection, Pages 149-156
S. T. Wu, L. Z. Benet and Emil T. Lin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (365 K)

Simultaneous determination of artesunic acid and dihydroartemisinin in blood plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography for application in clinical pharmacological studies, Pages 157-162
V. Navaratnam, M. N. Mordi and S. M. Mansor
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (291 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of acrolein as a marker for cyclophosphamide bioactivation in human liver microsomes, Pages 163-168
Frank Bohnenstengel, Michel Eichelbaum, Ellen Golbs and Heyo K. Kroemer
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (309 K)

Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of the new antitumor agent cyclopentenyl cytosine in biological fluids, Pages 169-179
Lajos Hegedus, Harry Ford, Jr., Neil R. Hartman and James A. Kelley
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (688 K)

Quantitation of -lapachone and 3-hydroxy--lapachone in human plasma samples by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 181-186
V. L. Glen, P. R. Hutson, N. J. Kehrli, D. A. Boothman and G. Wilding
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (350 K)

Determination of flunixin in equine urine and serum by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 187-198
Xuelin Gu, Mona Meleka-Boules, Chao-Ling Chen, Dagmar M. Ceska and David M. Tiffany
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (476 K)

Determination of bromhexine and ambroxol in pharmaceutical dosage forms, urine and blood serum, Pages 199-205
T. Pérez-Ruiz, C. Martínez-Lozano, A. Sanz and E. Bravo
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (384 K)

Microbore high-performance liquid chromatographic method for measuring acetylcholine in microdialysis samples: optimizing performance of platinum electrodes, Pages 207-212
Adrian J. Carter and Jan Kehr
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (388 K)

Total plasma homocysteine determination by liquid chromatography before and after methionine loading; Results in cerebrovascular disease, Pages 213-216
M. Candito, P. Bedoucha, M. H. Mahagne, G. Scavini and M. Chatel
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (254 K)

Hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activity assay using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection: determination of melatonin enzymatically formed from N-acetylserotonin and S-adenosyl--methionine, Pages 217-221
Masanori T. Itoh, Atsuhiko Hattori and Yawara Sumi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (245 K)

Determination of dexamethasone in tears by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 222-226
V. Baeyens, E. Varesio, J. -L. Veuthey and R. Gurny
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (267 K)

Simplified solid-phase extraction method for determination of dihydroergotamine in rabbit and human serum using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Pages 227-232
Stefan G. Romeijn, Emmeline Marttin, J. Coos Verhoef and Frans W. H. M. Merkus
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (300 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic assay of 5-fluorouracil in human erythrocytes, plasma and whole blood, Pages 233-237
W. Wattanatorn, H. L. McLeod, J. Cassidy and K. E. Kendle
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (268 K)

Clean-up and re-use of kieselguhr (Extrelut) for liquid¯liquid extraction of urinary cortisol, Pages 238-240
M. Fenske
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (136 K)

Simple, rapid and sensitive method for the determination of indomethacin in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection, Pages 241-244
Juichi Sato, Takasuke Amizuka, Yuichi Niida, Masao Umetsu and Keiji Ito
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (172 K)


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